Everyone is getting harshly innovative & resourceful these afternoons, however it’s a good thing to see, & I really respect that people are trying to make the best of a awful situation, but that being said, I know some people need to calm down with their homemade Corona-combating devices, and all of the folks who have started making their own hand sanitizers should legitimately reconsider that idea! Everyone who has been relying on old wives tales to stay healthy should just stay indoors.
And all the people creating homemade face masks should really consider if they’re doing more harm than good.
I feel I feel identifiably strongly about that one, because my partner went & ruined our indoor air quality for the sake of mildly safer breathing air in public spaces. You see, when all of these articles started popping up about making your own ventilation face masks, my partner thought that he had gotten the best idea for breathing air purification. Instead of using an old bandana or a t-shirt, he was going to take our Heating & A/C air filters & reconstruct them into fitted face masks. He said, since they were designed for the steady of the flow of air, they would be easy to breathe through. He thought that the filtration power should be somewhat similar to actual face masks, since they were designed to detach airborne contaminants! Lastly, he was proud that he had found a bountiful resource to create air-filtering masks with. The complication is, my buddy and I didn’t have such a bountiful supply of air filters! Now, our Heating & A/C system is running inefficiently & spreading dirty air through the house. And all our air filters have been cut up into face masks.