I’m counting my blessings these days, as I sit back and wait for the world to figure itself out.
There’s not much that you can do as a singular citizen, besides sitting inside of your house and keeping yourself safe.
All of the economic issues and employment problems outdoors are out of my hands, and that includes my own office. I’m currently on furlough at my job so they can keep the doors open for the essential team of workers. I think that it was a smart choice for them to make, but I was worried about my living expenses. Thank God, several companies have stepped up to the plate to lessen the burden. My company happens to be one of these helping hands. They realized early on that energy bills were climbing through the roof. With some of their employees at home, they were forced to use residential electricity to power their lights and HVAC system all day. None of us could rely on the free heating and cooling system at work anymore. At the same time, with wages dropping, many of us couldn’t afford our regular energy bill, let alone this increased electricity cost. Realizing that their employees were possibly air conditioning themselves out of house and home, my company decided to step up and give everyone an energy bill stipend. Depending on the size of your family, you will receive a generous credit each month to help cover the costs of keeping your HVAC system running and your indoor air quality safe. It really makes me feel like my employer has my respiratory health and safety in mind. My whole family appreciates the kind gesture, and my kids are especially excited to have air conditioning at their “school” again.