Worried about kittens outside; heat shed for them

Worried about kittens outside; heat shed for them

When I was growing up, my buddy and I lived at the “zoo house” on the block. We had the most critters out of anybody in town, & a reputation for rehabbing broken pets. That’s why, the neighbors were constantly dropping off disfigured critters at our doorstep & my buddy and I had a rotating

Is it wrong to cut up over an Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C system?

Is it wrong to cut up over an Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C system?

I was learning on my horoscope the other afternoon when I saw something pretty funny. There was an article describing the reasons that each astrological sign will commonly cut up with their partner. Out of curiosity, I started scrolling through it plus had to take a look at what they said about my sign –

Hybrid heating is the perfect solution

Hybrid heating is the perfect solution

To handle the severe temperature swings in my local area, I chose a hybrid heating system. The combination of a heat pump and gas furnace is more expensive to purchase and install than the more traditional pairing of an air conditioner and a furnace. However, the energy savings makes the added cost worth it. I

Advantages of a geothermal heat pump

Advantages of a geothermal heat pump

The Environmental Protection Agency considers geothermal heat pumps as the most environmentally responsible option for heating and cooling on the market. There are tax incentives available for installing this type of system. Although the cost of geothermal units has come down in recent years, the purchase and replacement is still a much larger investment than

Advantages of a geothermal heat pump

Advantages of a geothermal heat pump

The Environmental Protection Agency considers geothermal heat pumps as the most environmentally responsible occasion for heating & cooling on the market. There are tax incentives available for installing this type of system. Although the cost of geothermal units has come down in recent years, the purchase & replacement is still a much larger investment than

Modern a/c is an improvement

Modern a/c is an improvement

My central air conditioner lasted far longer than I ever expected. The average cooling component lasts anywhere from fifteen to twenty years! Our system was already installed when my associate and I moved into the house over fifteen years ago. It was not modern at the time. Although I made sure to replace air filters

This is quite the skill set

This is quite the skill set

Maybe I just have too much time on my hands to rest around as well as feel these afternoons, although I cannot help but wonder what societal fluctuations are going to follow this pandemic. I am trying to be optimistic as well as hopeful that our culture will change for the better to benefit the

Work for a good company – helping to spend money energy bills

Work for a good company – helping to spend money energy bills

I’m counting my blessings these afternoons, as I rest back & wait for the world to figure itself out. There’s not much that you can do as a singular citizen, besides sitting inside of your household & keeping yourself safe. All of the economic concerns & employment problems outdoors are out of my hands, &